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Havan Samagri

₹139  ₹150

FREE delivery March, 12

Sold By: Iriafarm and Fulfilled by Mprovogue.

Iria Farm's Havan Samagri of 100% natural Pahadi Ayurvedic herbs is used on all Hindu occasions like Puja Havan, Diwali, Grah Pravesh, etc. Havan is an essential part of our Pooja. It contains all essentials of Havan Samagri according to Hindu rituals such as coconuts, Pahadi Til (Sesame), Pahadi Jau (Barley Seed), Organic Dhoop powders, Kapoor, Rose Petals, Sandalwood Powder, Lobaan, Ghee, Chandan, Satavari, Tumeric, it also makes our environment clean by killing bacteria due to the burning of herbs. These all ingredients are organic and 100% Pure grown or made by local farmers of Uttarakhand.



Categories: Herbs

What is Havan Samagri?

Havan Samagri is a combination of ingredients used in Hindu religious ceremonies for the purpose of offering oblations to deities in the havan kund or yajna fire. It is usually made up of aromatic plants, dried herbs, fruits, wood, and other natural materials. The havan kund is an earthen structure in which the offerings are made by the priest.

Havan samagri is one of the important elements used in performing a traditional Hindu wedding ceremony. The ingredients are believed to bring a divine presence to the ceremony, set the tone for the couple’s life journey ahead, and ensure a successful union.

What are the ingredients used in Havan Samagri?

Havan samagri is made up of different substances that are essential for any Hindu ritualistic ceremony. The ingredients used vary depending on the type of ceremony being performed and the specific beliefs of the individuals involved.

Pahadi Til (Sesame), Pahadi Jau (Barley Seed), Organic Dhoop powders, Kapoor, Rose Petals, Sandalwood Powder, Lobaan, Ghee, Chandan, Satavari, Tumeric, By creating a havan, the various ingredients used help to magnify the power of the ceremony and draw down divine energy.

What is the significance of Havan Samagri?

Havan samagri is used to honor the deities of Hinduism and perform purification rituals. It is considered to be a powerful offering that brings positive energy to a ceremony or ritual.

The ingredients of havan samagri are believed to release powerful positive energy when burned in the havan kund. The ingredients are also believed to provide spiritual nourishment to the gods and purify the atmosphere and energy around the ceremony.

The ritual of performing a havan has been an important part of Hindu traditions since ancient times. It is believed to ward off bad luck, bring spiritual, mental, and physical strength, and promote peace and harmony.

How to use Havan Samagri?

Havan samagri is usually used in combination with mantras, Vedic hymns, and other prayers. The priest presiding over the ceremony uses special tools to offer the items into the havan fire.

Once the ingredients are placed in a clay pot called a kund, the havan ceremony begins. The priest takes the kund and starts chanting mantras while offering the havan samagri into the kund. This is repeated until all the offerings are completely burned in the fire.


Havan samagri is an integral part of Hindu ritualistic ceremonies and believed to be of great spiritual importance. It is believed that the ingredients used influence the energy and atmosphere of a ceremony, bringing spiritual nourishment, divine presence, and good luck. Havan samagri is used to honor the deities of Hinduism and perform purification rituals. in conjunction with mantras and Vedic hymns, it can be a powerful offering that brings positive energy to a ceremony.


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